Dear Creators,

I’ve been thinking a lot about my business lately, and whether or not it’s evolved yet into the thing I actually want it to be. And I don’t think it’s quite there yet. I’m not sure it ever will be.

My business has been changing and evolving since day one — even before I left my day job, before I made “the leap” (which is a lie, by the way) into being self-employed. It started as me blogging and creating the Write Now podcast as a side gig, and from there evolved into a multi-faceted, multiple-income-stream hydra that had me ghostwriting books, doing marketing consulting, building websites, landing speaking gigs, writing for Forbes, and, of course, podcasting.

Today, five-plus years later, I’m writing, teaching, and podcasting full time for myself, with some consulting and speaking gigs sprinkled in to help balance out the finances. It’s still not 100% what I’d like it to be — but I’m still on my way there, however slowly. And maybe I always will be.

There was no “big leap” from my status as a full-time employee for someone else to a self-employed entrepreneur. It was, rather, a long, slow crawl while I built up what I called my “financial runway” — the amount of money where I could safely and slowly transition from working for someone else to working for myself, where I could afford to make house payments and buy food, clothing, and health insurance. And pay my bills and taxes. And buy coffee.

I’m not saying any of this to discourage you. Rather, I want to tell you that this is all extremely possible — it just looks a little different than we think it will. 

I hear a lot of writers, podcasters, and other creators saying things like, “I can’t wait until the day I can quit my job and start working for myself.” But that day isn’t really a day so much as a season. And it will only come if you start working for yourself — and building up that financial runway — long in advance.

The best advice I can give you is to start now, to get going even if you don’t feel 100% ready. The best time to plant a tree, metaphorically speaking, was 20 years ago… but the second best time is now.

Words & warmth,


P.S. I’m going to be launching my acclaimed Podcast Now course again for a limited time, starting June 1, 2021! So if you signed up to be on the waitlist, watch your email inbox for more news coming soon!