Write Now With Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner is a weekly(ish) podcast for writers of all ages and skill levels looking to find a healthy work, life, and writing balance. It’s positive, encouraging, and chock full of the compassion, honest advice, and inspiration you need to pursue your passion and write.
Launched in January 2015, Write Now has over 1 million downloads, over 350 five-star reviews in Apple Podcasts, and is officially recommended by Barnes & Noble. It’s also consistently ranked among “best of” podcast lists as well as Apple Podcasts’ Top 200 shows in the Arts category.
Reviews for Write Now:
“One day I’ll be a published author and your podcast will have had a hand in that accomplishment. Thank you from the bottom of my creative heart.” — Apple Podcasts listener Formerly Amish
“Sarah’s podcast is uplifting and inspirational. At the end of every episode I feel I can take on the world! Thank you Sarah!” — Apple Podcasts listener AgentaEmme
“Grateful… Your podcast is like a breath of life for people that may be struggling to put their words on paper. Thank you for having the answers to the questions that we haven’t asked yet.” — Apple Podcasts listener Mr1tosee
“Sarah’s passion and enthusiasm are contagious. She is so personable and energetic. I feel like she is a good friend, who knows exactly what my writing struggles are. She’s like my personal cheerleader.” — Apple Podcasts listener Dungeon Brawler
Girl In Space
Girl In Space is the award-winning audio drama (a.k.a. fictional podcast) that captured the hearts and imaginations of thousands upon its release in 2017. It has garnered well over 1 million downloads, over 1,700 five-star reviews in Apple Podcasts, and a beautiful gallery of fan art.
And yes, Season 2 is coming!
Reviews for Girl In Space:
“Sarah puts an incredible amount of heart into this deceptively deep series… Girl In Space manages to stand out for good reason.” — Apple Podcasts listener Originalyeti82
“This show is better than most big-budget television series. Sarah Rhea Werner is the decade’s Gene Roddenberry.” — Podbean listener Bshawfoolery
“This show has it all! Feels, humor, wittiness, imagination, stellar acting and brilliant storytelling. There is no other audio drama like this, it sets the pace and breaks the mold.” — Apple Podcasts listener JWDear
“X is such a thoughtfully crafted character, and the show showcases realistic characters in a compelling and tense sci-fi environment. It’s one of the best shows going and worth your time to listen.” — Apple Podcasts listener DTTGF