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Free Stuff
"Dear Creators"
Join thousands of creators in receiving my free “Dear Creators” newsletter! Every other week, I tackle a different aspect of creativity and how it affects you, from writer’s block to making an income.
The Write Now Podcast
My signature weekly podcast gives you the encouragement, honest advice, and inspiration you need to balance work and life, pursue your passion, and write. (And it’s free!)
Daily Writing Planner
I designed this simple (and free!) printable PDF worksheet to help you prioritize your writing and keep you focused on your craft. It’s here for whenever you need it.
"Girl In Space"
Abandoned on a dying ship in the farthest reaches of known space, a young scientist fights for survival (and patience with the on-board A.I.). Who is she? No one knows. But a lot of dangerous entities really want to find out.
"Omen" Podcast
From Executive Producer Sarah Rhea Werner comes a fantasy audio drama that explores ancient ruins, sails the high seas, and questions whether friendship truly is magic—all while cracking pirate skulls and dabbling in high explosives!
10 Harmful Creative Myths Ebook
In this free 50-page ebook, I dive into the harmful lies we’ve been told about creativity — and take a look at the truths we need to move forward and create our best work.
I’m an energetic, passionate, and empowering national speaker with relatable warmth, a unique perspective, and a sense of humor. In addition to a TEDx talk, I’ve spoken at New York Comic Con, Podcast Movement, YouTube headquarters, DC Podfest, and the Austin Film Festival, as well as many local and national leadership seminars, business and tech conferences, and college classrooms.
“Listening to Sarah is like a great session with your therapist who says all the right things to get you back in the chair and writing.”
Latest Blog Posts & Podcast Episodes
Give Yourself Some Grace – WN 038
My deep, dark secret is that often I don’t like myself very much. I never feel like I’m *enough*. If you feel like this, you might just need some grace.
De-Clutter Your Life So You Can Write – WN 037
Balance, clutter, distraction, scheduling, & grace collide as we answer the question: “What needs to happen for you to sit down, focus, and write?”
The Pressure To Be Great – WN 036
Today’s episode is about how to deal with and respond to pressure in a way that creates positive outcomes (inspiration) instead of negative outcomes (crippling fear & doubt).
Sarah’s Blog: Happy 1st Launchday Anniversary!
Wow. It's...
Coffee Break 009: reShoUNn Foster
Welcome to another Coffee Break...
Sarah’s Blog: Social Media Hiatus
I’m thinking about taking a social media hiatus in February 2016. Here’s what that means for the Write Now podcast — and you!
Sarah’s Blog: I’m Still Thinking About Imposter Syndrome.
Sometimes we feel worthless and unlovable — and we have no idea how to change how we feel.
Coffee Break 008: Deane Barker
Hi friends! Welcome to your...
The Power of a Writers’ Group – WN 035
Belonging to a writers’ group can have some amazing benefits. Avoid the pitfalls & make the most of your writers’ group with today’s episode of Write Now.
Feeling Like A Fraud – WN 034
Sometimes our doubts get the better of us. Sometimes we listen to the voice that asks, “Who gave YOU permission to be a writer?” Here’s how to fight back.
Do I Need A Website? – WN 033
Many writers wonder whether they need a website. Today I’m answering that question & providing tips on creating a solid online presence.
Sarah’s Blog: 2015 In Books
2015 was going to be the year...
Sarah’s Blog: Personal Stuff Time.
How do you know when to stop pushing yourself? (a.k.a. My lifelong struggle.)
Your New Year’s Writing Resolution – WN 032
This year, make (and keep!) a writing-centric New Year’s resolution with these 8 simple tips.
Sarah’s Blog: I Want Your Opinion!
“Writers who want to balance reading, writing, and the rest of life will enjoy this weekly podcast.”
Get in touch.
I’d love to hear from you! Fill out this contact form, or find me on Twitter at @SarahRheaWerner. 🙂