Give Yourself Some Grace – WN 038
My deep, dark secret is that often I don’t like myself very much. I never feel like I’m *enough*. If you feel like this, you might just need some grace.
De-Clutter Your Life So You Can Write – WN 037
Balance, clutter, distraction, scheduling, & grace collide as we answer the question: “What needs to happen for you to sit down, focus, and write?”
Sarah’s Blog: Social Media Hiatus
I’m thinking about taking a social media hiatus in February 2016. Here’s what that means for the Write Now podcast — and you!
Sarah’s Blog: Glad To Be Back.
Hey there, friends. I returned from my mission trip to Jamaica a couple days ago, and wow, was it amazing. And heartbreaking. And right back around to amazing again. I held hands and spoke and danced with the elderly and sick at an infirmary. I had a great time...Sarah’s Blog: The Season of No
I’m kicking off what I’m calling my Season of No, in which I stop saying yes to every single little thing that people ask me to do.
My 10 Favorite Books (Part 1) – WN 024
We all have our favorite books. Here are the first 5 of my top 10, complete with why I love them oh-so-much.
What Does Success Look Like For You? – WN 023
Success is something that we all daydream about but rarely give any serious thought. But it is possible, if you plan for and work toward it. Here’s how.