My 10 Favorite Books (Part 1) – WN 024
We all have our favorite books. Here are the first 5 of my top 10, complete with why I love them oh-so-much.
We all have our favorite books. Here are the first 5 of my top 10, complete with why I love them oh-so-much.
Success is something that we all daydream about but rarely give any serious thought. But it is possible, if you plan for and work toward it. Here’s how.
When you wonder whether you were “meant” to be a writer, whose mandate are you following? This week’s episode will help you answer this tough question.
Writers’ block happens to most writers and creators. Here are some ways you can fight back.
Some people say “Writers are liars.” But I think that all writers, especially fiction writers & poets, are the penultimate truth-tellers. Here’s why.
A mentor might be the best thing that ever happens to you as a writer. From wise counsel to new challenges, here are 7 reasons you need a writing mentor.
I’m going to give you some advice that you probably don’t hear very often: FAIL A LOT. In fact, the more you fail, the more you’ll succeed. Here’s why.
Are your professional & creative selves ever at odds with each other? How does that affect your writing? And how do you find a healthy balance?
Remember when writing used to be fun? Or better yet, satisfying? Re-ignite the spark and douse the shame with this week’s podcast episode.
“Reading is essential if you’re going to be a writer.” You’ve heard it from teachers and fellow writers and books on writing. But WHY? Here’s 8 amazing benefits writers get from reading.
What is your perfect writing environment? And is that where you do your best writing? Why do we take our writing environments so seriously?
You’ve written yourself into a corner and you have no idea how to fix it. Well, being in the corner sucks, so here are 7 ways you can try to get out.
In which we explore some great writing tools, caffeine addiction, unhealthy pencil obsessions, and (bonus!) Jane Austen’s homemade ink recipe.
What is this elusive element we call a voice? And how do we go about developing our own?
You’re passionate about writing. But the word “passion” means “to suffer”. What does that mean for us as writers?
There are only 24 hours in a day. So saying “yes” to writing often means saying “no” to other stuff. Fun stuff. Important stuff. And that’s hard.
It can be incredibly hard to write every day. But I’ve found a way to make myself write (and write well) even when I don’t feel like it. Find out how in this week’s podcast.
You want people to read and like (and buy!) your book. A great way to do that is to write stuff that people want to read. But who are those people?
Dumpster diving. Mall walking. A 19th-century transcendentalist. Oh yeah, and how going for a walk can help free you from writers’ block.
All writers second-guess their abilities at some point. Here’s 5 tips on how to regain your lost confidence and become awesome again.
My own ability to surprise myself is my all-time favorite thing about writing. I’ve never been able to fully articulate how it works, or where the magic comes from. But I take a stab at it in today’s podcast episode.
The idea of using writing as a way to attain and maintain both physical and mental health isn’t new. Explore the ways in which writing can provide healing.
As writers, how do we set goals — and stick to them? This episode explores five steps for setting realistic goals and following through on them.
Why don’t we write, if it’s our passion? Why, if we’re writers at heart, do we sometimes stop writing? Or why do we often run away from our talent?