When Writing Isn’t Writing – WNP 077

When Writing Isn’t Writing – WNP 077

When is writing not writing? I know, it sounds like a riddle. But it’s actually a great question in disguise that leads to a necessary discussion of what the writing process actually *is*. Buckle in!

What Makes A Good Writing Goal? – WNP 076

What Makes A Good Writing Goal? – WNP 076

How do you know if you’ve set a good writing goal for yourself? Or is goal-setting for writing even a good idea? Today’s episode explores how we move along the path toward success.

What Are You Afraid Of? – WNP 075

What Are You Afraid Of? – WNP 075

Fear shows up for us writers in a lot of ways we don’t expect or recognize. Let’s explore those fears — and how they’re holding us back — together.

Getting Back Into Writing – WNP 074

Getting Back Into Writing – WNP 074

It’s been a while — maybe longer — since you’ve written. And with all of the rust buildup, thoughts of inadequacy, and other factors… how do you get back into it?

How Do I Know When I’m Good Enough? – WNP 073

How Do I Know When I’m Good Enough? – WNP 073

Today’s topic comes from a listener question: How will I know when I’m good enough to publish — and that I won’t look back on my work in 10 years and cringe? Join us for a chat about fear, bravery, and constant action.

Affirmations for Writers – WNP 069

Affirmations for Writers – WNP 069

I’ve spoken before on this show about the effects of imposter syndrome, a.k.a feeling like a fraud. But how do you actually feel about yourself? Do you truly believe you are a writer? Does it seem too easy (or too impossible) to just say that out loud? What...
Putting Yourself Out There – WNP 068

Putting Yourself Out There – WNP 068

Hello, friends! I’m finally, fully, officially back from my Write Now sabbatical. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your patience and support. There have been a lot of new developments in my life and career. For one, I’ve been running around...
Critics and You – WN 066

Critics and You – WN 066

How should writers approach criticism? How do we tell if it’s constructive or not? Most importantly, should we allow criticism to affect our writing?

Writing Full Time – WN 065

Writing Full Time – WN 065

Making the switch to a career writer is tough, but you can do it! Here are some pointers that can help your writing dream become a reality.

How To Rest As A Writer – WN 064

How To Rest As A Writer – WN 064

Today we’ll take a look at what we should do if (& when) we find ourselves exhausting, burned out, and feeling hopeless as we stare down a blank page.

Do I Need A Writing Degree? – WN 062

Do I Need A Writing Degree? – WN 062

“Do I need a writing degree?” It’s a complex question that involves factors like time, money, lifestyle, goals, & more. Work through your own decision with help from today’s episode of the Write Now podcast!

Self-Writing and Self-Talk – WN 061

Self-Writing and Self-Talk – WN 061

Words have power — especially the words we say and think about ourselves. So whether you think you’re slime or God’s gift to writing, the way you think about yourself can have an immense effect on your work.

Make Them Tell You No – WN 060

Make Them Tell You No – WN 060

What’s the worst that will happen if you put yourself out there? How will you handle rejection? Even worse, what happens if you do nothing?

SEO For Writers – WN 059

SEO For Writers – WN 059

You finally have a website! Now how do you let the internet know you exist? How do you attract users? Never fear: SEO (search engine optimization) is here!

All Of The Best Writing Excuses – WN 058

All Of The Best Writing Excuses – WN 058

Do you ever put off writing because you need to wash the dishes or watch American Idol with your spouse? Are these legit reasons — or just excuses? Learn how to ditch the excuses and just write in this week’s episode of the Write Now podcast!

Living A Creative Life – WN 056

Living A Creative Life – WN 056

Are you living the life you want to live? Living a creative life is about making your own decisions and breaking the mold. But what does that mean?

Should I Use A Pen Name? – WN 051

Should I Use A Pen Name? – WN 051

How do you know if writing under a pen name is right for you? This week’s episode of Write Now lays out 6 reasons a pen name might be a smart choice.

What They Didn’t Teach You In School – WN 047

What They Didn’t Teach You In School – WN 047

We learned a lot of great things in school. But our educational system isn’t perfect, and there are some things we should have learned about writing (and life) that we didn’t. All of those (and more!) in this week’s episode!

Crafting Your Mission Statement – WN 046

Crafting Your Mission Statement – WN 046

A mission statement is a valuable tool for a writer — it can help you understand your own story, remind you of your purpose, and guide you toward your goals. Today’s episode of Write Now podcast will help you create one!

Careers for Writers – WN 045

Careers for Writers – WN 045

Stuck in a soul-sucking, toxic day job while you dream of being a paid writer? Today’s episode covers 10 different career paths for writers just like you.

How Do I Find My Muse? – WN 044

How Do I Find My Muse? – WN 044

Chances are, you’ve heard of the concept of a muse, whether you’ve read your fair share of Shakespeare or simply seen Disney’s “Hercules”. But can a muse possibly have an effect on us here in the modern world?

How Important Is Networking For Writers? – WN 043

How Important Is Networking For Writers? – WN 043

I know, I know. You hate networking. I hate networking. It feels so corporate and shallow and sell-out-y. But it’s important for writers nonetheless. That’s why this episode is here to help you navigate the turbulent waters of this essential skill.

Are There Any Original Ideas Left? – WN 042

Are There Any Original Ideas Left? – WN 042

Is it true that there’s “nothing new under the sun”, that we just keep retelling the same 3 stories over and over, and that Hollywood is out of ideas? Find out in the latest episode of Write Now!

Should Writers Be Paid? – WN 041

Should Writers Be Paid? – WN 041

We hear it all the time: “We can’t afford to pay our writers,” or, “Your payment will be exposure and experience!” But is that true? Should we take that unpaid internship? Find out in Episode 041 of Write Now.

How To Deal With Rejection – WN 040

How To Deal With Rejection – WN 040

Rejection happens to every writer. This week’s episode explores different types of rejection and how some of them can actually help us to become better writers.

The Worst Writing Advice – WN 039

The Worst Writing Advice – WN 039

The internet is brimming with writing advice, both good and bad. Here’s how to tell the difference — and a rundown of the worst offenders.

Give Yourself Some Grace – WN 038

Give Yourself Some Grace – WN 038

My deep, dark secret is that often I don’t like myself very much. I never feel like I’m *enough*. If you feel like this, you might just need some grace.

The Pressure To Be Great – WN 036

The Pressure To Be Great – WN 036

Today’s episode is about how to deal with and respond to pressure in a way that creates positive outcomes (inspiration) instead of negative outcomes (crippling fear & doubt).

The Power of a Writers’ Group – WN 035

The Power of a Writers’ Group – WN 035

Belonging to a writers’ group can have some amazing benefits. Avoid the pitfalls & make the most of your writers’ group with today’s episode of Write Now.

Feeling Like A Fraud – WN 034

Feeling Like A Fraud – WN 034

Sometimes our doubts get the better of us. Sometimes we listen to the voice that asks, “Who gave YOU permission to be a writer?” Here’s how to fight back.

Do I Need A Website? – WN 033

Do I Need A Website? – WN 033

Many writers wonder whether they need a website. Today I’m answering that question & providing tips on creating a solid online presence.

Letting Go – WN 030

Letting Go – WN 030

Letting go is one of the hardest things a writer has to do. Here’s how to let go of perfectionism, ego, control, & more — graciously & gracefully.

Writing With All of Your Senses – WN 029

Writing With All of Your Senses – WN 029

I’m back from my mission trip to Jamaica, my friends. And I have several stories and writing insights to share with you. It’s all here in episode 029 of the Write Now podcast.

My Writing Retreat – WN 028

My Writing Retreat – WN 028

I’ve spoken with many writers over the years about the merits of a writers’ retreat. But what good can a short-term retreat do? Find out in this episode.

NaNoWriMo and You – WN 027

NaNoWriMo and You – WN 027

NaNoWriMo is a marathon for writers. The challenge: write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. It’s insane, but fun, & a great way to form a daily writing habit.

When Life Kinda Sucks – WN 026

When Life Kinda Sucks – WN 026

Sometimes things like illness, depression, toxic people, and bad situations at work can get the best of us. So what’s a writer to do?