Writer’s Guilt – WNP 112

Writer’s Guilt – WNP 112

Do you ever feel guilty, as a writer? It’s more common than you think. Writers feel guilty for writing too much, not enough, “selfishly” taking time away from their families, making money, not making money… the list goes on. Today let’s talk about writer’s guilt and how to begin to alleviate it.

From Surviving to Thriving – WNP 111

From Surviving to Thriving – WNP 111

Some, if not most of us, have been in survival mode at one point or another. Survival mode means that you’re barely hanging on by your fingernails, doing what you need to in order to get through the day in one piece. But it’s not the most pleasant way to live, and it’s possible to not just survive but thrive. Here’s how..

Being “Productive Enough” – WNP 110

Being “Productive Enough” – WNP 110

Do you consider yourself a “productive” creator? Productivity seems to be everywhere these days, and we spend a ton of time planning our days to ensure we get the most done we can in the time we have. In this week’s episode, we’re going to look at productivity in a different way. So if you have been struggling and feeling like you aren’t getting enough done, this episode is for you!

The Blank Page – WNP 109

The Blank Page – WNP 109

Do you ever feel like when you sit down to write, there’s just nothing there? Many writers will say that the blank page is their biggest fear — and it can represent many different obstacles. In this week’s episode, I am going to share some reasons you may be experiencing writer’s block and a few things you can do to work past it.

Outrunning The Avalanche – WNP 108

Outrunning The Avalanche – WNP 108

What happens when we fall behind? It might feel like you’re running down a snowy mountain as a giant avalanche barrels down behind you. If you feel constantly stressed, behind, and that you can’t produce content fast enough in order to keep up, then this week’s episode is for you! I am going to give you some tips on how to outrun and avoid being buried by the avalanche of creating content.

Strong Female Characters – WNP 107

Strong Female Characters – WNP 107

When you think of a strong female character, what comes to mind? Maybe you think of physical strength, or the size of the gun they might be holding. Today, I am going to break down the different traits and ways you can build and incorporate strong female characters into your work.

Why Do We Self-Sabotage? – WNP 106

Why Do We Self-Sabotage? – WNP 106

Have you ever gotten in your own way and stopped yourself from starting (or finishing) a creative project, going after success, or even being happy? If this sounds familiar, you’ve experienced self-sabotage. This week I’m talking about 4 different barriers that most self-sabotagers run into and giving you some tips on how to break the self-sabotage cycle.

Writers As Entrepreneurs – WNP 105

Writers As Entrepreneurs – WNP 105

If you’re a writer, do you also think of yourself as a business owner or entrepreneur? Should you? This can be a touchy subject, especially given the social perception that you can be an artist or a businessperson — but not both. So let’s talk about the implications, the “should”s, and how it all works together in this week’s episode.

Protecting Your Time – WNP 104

Protecting Your Time – WNP 104

This week, we’re talking about what eats up your writing time — internal or external forces — and how to protect that precious time by setting boundaries!

The Writer’s Mindset Manifesto – Audiobook

The Writer’s Mindset Manifesto – Audiobook

A special holiday bonus from me to you — my very first audiobook! The Writer’s Mindset Manifesto will help you break through the barriers of fear and inadequacy to help you create your very best work.

Enjoy the Journey – WNP 103

Enjoy the Journey – WNP 103

Are you enjoying the journey? If you find yourself focused on the end goal, success or waiting to be happy until you finish your long list of projects, you might not be. Today I’m talking about how to find joy on your creative journey.

Protecting Yourself And Your Time

Protecting Yourself And Your Time

We’ve talked before about choosing how we spend our time, and the importance of understanding why we make the choices that we do.  But once you’ve made that choice about how to spend your time… do you commit to it? And, more importantly, do you protect your time? By...
Daily Journaling – WNP 102

Daily Journaling – WNP 102

Do you have stacks of beautiful, unused journals? Have you been contemplating a daily journal routine but are hesitant to start? Maybe you’ve tried journaling in the past and hated it. Today I am going to share my experience with journaling and why it is a crucial part of my morning routine.

The Slog – WNP 101

The Slog – WNP 101

Do you ever get that soggy or stuck feeling while working on a project? The never-ending revisions, the question of, “Why am I doing this?” popping into your head? If this is something you have ever experienced (or are currently dealing with), this episode is for you. I am going to share why this happens and what you can do about it.

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing – WNP 100

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing – WNP 100

It’s the 100th episode of the Write Now podcast! Today I’m asking: Do we place ourselves in an area of our lives where we expect ourselves to know all the answers? Do we bring on stresses over our creative journeys, over things that we expect ourselves to have the solutions for? What would happen if we truly allowed ourselves to admit that we have no idea what we’re doing?

My 10 Biggest Writing Struggles – WNP 099

My 10 Biggest Writing Struggles – WNP 099

Every writer faces their own struggles, from time to mindset to spelling to making money. There is nothing perfect in our journeys, and conditions will never be perfect. All we can do is take today, get rid of the negative impacts, replace them with positive impacts, and move forward purposefully in your growth as a writer who is enough.

Writers’ Risk And Potential Loss – WNP 098

Writers’ Risk And Potential Loss – WNP 098

What happens after you create something successful? Do you still have the “permission to suck” we talked about in the last episode? What do we risk, and what’s at stake? Is it possible to peak? And what happens after? Join me in this week’s episode as we go over Writers’ Risk And Potential Loss.

Permission To Suck – WNP 097

Permission To Suck – WNP 097

Does that little voice inside your head tell you that you cannot produce anything but perfection, or that you are not qualified to have the title of “writer”, or even that you are not good enough to be in a “writer’s world”? In this episode, I give you permission and the secret key to move forward on your creative path.

Creative Seasons – WNP 096

Creative Seasons – WNP 096

What does it mean to be in — or out of — a creative season? What happens if a period of your life shifts? Let’s talk about how to support yourself in both creative and self-health needs as life changes around you.

Sarah Tries Outlining – WNP 095

Sarah Tries Outlining – WNP 095

I’ve always been a pantser, and felt that outlining put limits on the creation of my stories. At least, those were my thoughts — until my perspective shifted in a way I never thought possible.

Level Up As A Writer – WNP 094

Level Up As A Writer – WNP 094

What’s next for you as a writer? In this episode, we will go over how to level up, and how to deal with any self-sabotage that might be keeping you from reaching your full potential.

Motivation To Write – WNP 093

Motivation To Write – WNP 093

Are you feeling unmotivated to write or create? You’re not alone. In this episode we dive into what motivates us and why we tend to lose it in the first place. It’s time to get your motivation back!

10 Harmful Creativity Myths – WNP 092

10 Harmful Creativity Myths – WNP 092

There are tons of lies floating around about creativity and creative writing, and from them, I’ve compiled ten myths that it’s time we expose and expel once and for all. Ready? Let’s bust some myths.

How To Develop Themes in Your Writing – WNP 090

How To Develop Themes in Your Writing – WNP 090

This week we’re focusing on the literary element of theme. Theme can be expressed on purpose or by accident, and added to your work while you’re creating it or afterward. How can we be intentional about the themes in our work — and why should we be?

Maybe Your Day Job Is Okay – WNP 089

Maybe Your Day Job Is Okay – WNP 089

Are you ready to leave your day job and become a full-time writer? This episode discusses the pros and cons of what writing full time looks like, and helps you set expectations for yourself.

The Dangers Of Comparison -WNP 088

The Dangers Of Comparison -WNP 088

The comparison race will always be unwinnable. This episode discusses six ways that comparison can be dangerous and how to overcome those dangers to find a path that is right for you.

PR for Writers – WNP 087

PR for Writers – WNP 087

We’re talking about marketing again! This time, we’re digging into PR (public relations), how to get discovered as a writer, and finding what works for you when it comes to interacting with fans and peers.

What Do Writers Owe the World? WNP 086

What Do Writers Owe the World? WNP 086

As creators, what do we owe the world? And what do our readers want and expect from us? There’s only so much time and energy in one day — so should we be using it to write, to interact with fans, to market? This episode discusses the importance of protecting your integrity while setting boundaries to fit the expectations of your fans.

Marketing Dos & Don’ts – WNP 085

Marketing Dos & Don’ts – WNP 085

In part 2 of the marketing series, you will discover how to create a comprehensive marketing plan that suits your needs and aligns with your goals. Ready?

Marketing is Not a Dirty Word – WNP 084

Marketing is Not a Dirty Word – WNP 084

What’s the difference between a book that sells and a book that doesn’t sell? I didn’t know it at the time, but that difference was marketing. In this episode we will take a deep dive into the world of marketing.

Fear of Success – WNP 083

Fear of Success – WNP 083

Do you find yourself self-sabotaging, or unconsciously not allowing yourself to grow to your full potential as a creator? You might have fear of success — and yes, it’s 100% a real thing that holds us back without us even knowing it.

What Should I Write Next? – WNP 082

What Should I Write Next? – WNP 082

“Which one of these projects should I write next?” If that question frequently floats around in your head, this episode is for you. I’ll help you decipher which projects to tackle and when!

Writing as Leadership – WNP 081

Writing as Leadership – WNP 081

You’re a writer — but do you think of yourself as a leader? In today’s episode we talk about the 3 keys to being a successful leader through your writing.

My Creative Process – WNP 080

My Creative Process – WNP 080

I’ve broken down my creative process into 6 phases, from brainstorming to publication, all of which we’ll talk about in today’s episode.

Facing Resistance – WNP 079

Facing Resistance – WNP 079

Sometimes, the only thing that gets in the way of my writing is… me. Today, we’re talking about resistance — what it is, when and why it strikes, how to resolve it, and what happens if we don’t.

Under Pressure – WNP 078

Under Pressure – WNP 078

There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and as always, that comes with a lot of pressure — even the pressure to create. Today, we’re talking about internal and external pressures, how they impact (and often disrupt) our creative processes and inspiration, what they mean for us as writers, and how we can respond to them in a productive way.

When Writing Isn’t Writing – WNP 077

When Writing Isn’t Writing – WNP 077

When is writing not writing? I know, it sounds like a riddle. But it’s actually a great question in disguise that leads to a necessary discussion of what the writing process actually *is*. Buckle in!

What Makes A Good Writing Goal? – WNP 076

What Makes A Good Writing Goal? – WNP 076

How do you know if you’ve set a good writing goal for yourself? Or is goal-setting for writing even a good idea? Today’s episode explores how we move along the path toward success.

What Are You Afraid Of? – WNP 075

What Are You Afraid Of? – WNP 075

Fear shows up for us writers in a lot of ways we don’t expect or recognize. Let’s explore those fears — and how they’re holding us back — together.

Getting Back Into Writing – WNP 074

Getting Back Into Writing – WNP 074

It’s been a while — maybe longer — since you’ve written. And with all of the rust buildup, thoughts of inadequacy, and other factors… how do you get back into it?

How Do I Know When I’m Good Enough? – WNP 073

How Do I Know When I’m Good Enough? – WNP 073

Today’s topic comes from a listener question: How will I know when I’m good enough to publish — and that I won’t look back on my work in 10 years and cringe? Join us for a chat about fear, bravery, and constant action.

Finishing What You Start – WNP 072

Finishing What You Start – WNP 072

Is It Just Me? Not to toot my own horn here, but… I am really, really good at starting new creative projects. A premise, an image, even a cool-sounding word or phrase can lure me into starting project #4,682 or #4,683. For whatever reason, beginnings come easily...
“Supposed To” For Writers – WNP 071

“Supposed To” For Writers – WNP 071

Welcome back to Write Now! Sarah here with a brand-new podcast episode featuring a topic that’s been on my mind a lot lately — and, from the questions and comments I’ve received, many other writers’ minds as well. Let’s Talk About...
Burned Out, Exhausted, & Overwhelmed – WNP 070

Burned Out, Exhausted, & Overwhelmed – WNP 070

Help support the Write Now podcast on Patreon! >>  Why Do We Do This To Ourselves? I gave my first TEDx talk last week, and while I learned a lot about myself and the topic, I also learned (and re-learned) a lot about what it means to let yourself get burned...
Affirmations for Writers – WNP 069

Affirmations for Writers – WNP 069

I’ve spoken before on this show about the effects of imposter syndrome, a.k.a feeling like a fraud. But how do you actually feel about yourself? Do you truly believe you are a writer? Does it seem too easy (or too impossible) to just say that out loud? What...
Putting Yourself Out There – WNP 068

Putting Yourself Out There – WNP 068

Hello, friends! I’m finally, fully, officially back from my Write Now sabbatical. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your patience and support. There have been a lot of new developments in my life and career. For one, I’ve been running around...
Coffee Break 083: Raul Vega

Coffee Break 083: Raul Vega

Podcaster and film sound designer Raul Vega shares his experience telling stories through sound with Hans Zimmer and developing his own audible mysteries.

Critics and You – WN 066

Critics and You – WN 066

How should writers approach criticism? How do we tell if it’s constructive or not? Most importantly, should we allow criticism to affect our writing?