Can you believe the Write Now podcast has been running for seven (7) years?! Because I can’t!
I mean, I guess I can believe it when I look at the numbers — I launched the show in 2015, and it is now 2022 — but the reality of the numbers and the reality of the feeling are often two very different things.
And if I’m being honest, I’m not technically sure I can say I’ve been podcasting for seven full years, since some months have gone by between episodes — I only released a handful of episodes in 2019, for example. But maybe that’s splitting hairs.
I’ve learned a lot since the very first episode of Write Now with Sarah Werner, one of the biggest lessons being that actual black-and-white answers don’t come as easily as I had hoped. There’s not just “one right way” to write, or just one path to publication. There’s maybe even no such thing as “balance” when it comes to our work/life/writing lives.
It seems like the more I learn, the more I realize how much I still have to learn. The unknown, like the universe, grows infinitely larger at an astounding rate.
But that’s a good thing, because it means that our work here isn’t done. In fact, we’re only just getting started. And we’re only ever just getting started.
Every year, every day, every minute, every word on the page — the life of a writer is a life of constant beginnings. And instead of intimidating or exhausting, I invite you to see it as a gift. We’re not done. We’re not all dried out or used up. It’s never too late to start, because starting is all we can ever do.