HEY! I'M SARAH.About Me (Sarah)
Hi! I’m Sarah, and I’m a writer, speaker, podcaster, and executive producer whose mission is to help other creative folks find confidence, success, and ultimately delight in their work.
I graduated from Valparaiso University during the 2006 recession (wheeee) with a bachelor’s degree in writing and English, and worked for over 10 years as a marketer and UX/content strategist before leaving my agency job to write and podcast full time in 2017.
I’ve also been a Forbes contributor, teacher, and marketing consultant, and have ghostwritten multiple books.
I’ve always loved writing and storytelling, and in 2013, I began experimenting with turning my blog into a podcast, on the recommendation of a friend who apparently knew me better than I did. And in 2015, I launched Write Now with Sarah Werner, a podcast that helps writers at all stages and skill levels to find the time, energy, and courage they need to pursue their passion and write.
With topics such as “How To Write When You Don’t Feel Like Writing”, “Living A Creative Life”, “Getting Into Flow“, and “When Your Writing Dreams Change“, the Write Now podcast has helped thousands of writers take action and pursue their publishing dreams. The show has also been officially recommended by Barnes & Noble and SmartBlogger, as well as countless other “Best Of” lists for writers and creators, which is really cool.
I soon branched out from Write Now into audio drama — a.k.a. fictional podcasting — in 2017 with Girl in Space. I started out with an experimental 20-page pilot script written in Google Docs, and recorded the lines for the main character, X, myself, despite… you know, not being an actor or having any experience in acting whatesoever.
Upon its release, Girl In Space very unexpectedly took off, appearing in 2017 on iTunes’ front New & Noteworthy page and a feature in Spotify Podcasts, and I soon found myself scrambling to write (and cast and record and produce) a second episode. Today, I am proud to say that Girl In Space continues to win awards and resonate with listeners around the globe, and yes — Season 2 is coming!
In 2020, I also took on the role of executive producer for a fantasty audio drama called Omen, which is written and edited by my husband and creative partner Tim, and which you should definitely check out.
In addition to writing and podcasting, I’m also a national public speaker, and have been invited to talk about creativity, podcasting, marketing, and leadership for TEDx, Austin Film Festival, Podcast Movement, PodFest, PodCon, and more, from my community YWCA to YouTube headquarters. You can see my list of past and upcoming speaking gigs over on my Speaking page.
I currently live in South Dakota and, when I’m not neck-deep in a creative project, I’m an avid reader, gardener, TTRPG player, video game enjoyer, animal caretaker, and general happy person. I’m also an introvert (INFP), which surprises a lot of people, and neurodivergent (ADHD). You can usually find me drinking way too much coffee and brainstorming my next creative project(s).
This section is starting to feel uncomfortably long-winded, so if you want to know anything else about me, please follow me on social media (I’m most active on Twitter) or contact me here.
P.S. I’m often asked how to pronounce my middle name — it’s spelled “Rhea” and pronounced “Ray”. But you can just call me “Sarah” since we’re friends now. 🙂
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Here Are Some Nice Words Other People Have Said About Me:
“It was like Sarah could look into my situation and knew everything I needed and wanted to know about writing! During each episode, I feel like I’m sitting across the table having coffee with a friend. Sarah’s authenticity comes through in her warm, welcoming voice and her transparency about her own writing struggles and victories.“
“Sarah’s contagious enthusiasm is a great resource when you need the encouragement to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and get writing.“
“Therapy for writers. The tone of Write Now is one of compassionate energy. If you’re ever in a slump or need a reality check, Sarah’s there with some advice. Aside from the feel-goods, you’ll get lots of great, varied content and advice.“
“One of the best writing podcasts.“
“Need some motivation? Sarah can help you move past your blahs and get you writing again.”
“I stumbled upon this podcast and it has become my regular, go-to, weekly, writing encouragement. Listening to Sarah regularly keeps my head in the writing game!“
“Sarah is a great podcaster! I have been listening to her Write Now podcast over the last year and it has inspired me to pursue writing. As of a year ago, I never would have thought I could be a writer. I always dismissed my work as being subpar and incomparable to what actual “writers” could do. But, Sarah helped to show me that writing is not all about ability — that’s something you can develop — but mainly about mindset; I am a writer because I say I am!”
“Sarah is simply fabulous. She’s smart, witty, humble and most importantly, she’s relatable!”
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